Nov 13, 2010

The Jason Ricci Experience - Blues Music Awards 2010 in Memphis TN

I have been waiting so long to start this Blog and I am glad I did. I really needed to get the hang of the Blogger environment before posting my best entertainment-based content. I did not want to struggle with formatting and other quarky, newbie-prone mishaps. That said, we're off...

This post is dedicated to my new favorite performer and winner of the 2010 Blues Music Awards (Jack Handy Awards) 
"Best Harmonica Player of the Year",
J a s o n    R i c c i...

I was fortunate enough to attend this years Blues Music Awards awards in Memphis, TN during my first trip to the southern delta. I saw Jason Ricci perform live for the first time at the awards show where he took top honors for "Best Harmonica Player of the Year 2010" . Jason's performance reminded me of Christina Aguilara's performance at the Grammy Awards a couple years ago where she practically collapsed at the end because she put so much emotion into the song. Jason Ricci gives it everything he's got every time he sings and plays the harmonica. He produces a sound so unique I can't compare it to any other player or instrument for that matter. When Jason does a number with his band "New Blood", you will be captivated and entertained to the fullest extent. If you have the opportunity to see Jason live, don't pass it ip.
Jason Ricci signs an original Sugarbox Cigar Box Guitar I built especially for the event.

Jason has worked very hard to accomplish his goals. My good  friend, and radio show host, Gil Anthony, Host of Blues Power WWNT 1450 says "Jason works harder than any other performer I know. He is on the road doing shows 320 days a year. Jason has overcome tremendous odds in his life struggles and has come out on top of his game and better than ever. I think he had to go through all of that to be what he is now, an absolute incredible performer."

Here is my little contribution captured from front center stage at the awards show with my FUJIFILM S5200. Now there is no flash photos allowed, but this is the Blues Music Awards not the MTV Music Awards which means you can break the rules and hang out with all the stars, even walk back stage and talk to the performers. These folks including Jason Ricci are very accessible and friendly. They know who is responsible for their fame, the fans, and they show their appreciation big time. Autographs, real conversation and photos if you like. Blues Rules!

Without further a due (is that a word? adue? a due? stupid ole dead woman!),
The Jason Ricci Experience:
Original high def files available here


Till Next Time, Keep keepin' the Blues Alive!

Coming Soon in my next post: "What's in a Cigar Box Guitar?"

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